Friday, December 28, 2012

Why are we in such a hurry?

Why are we in such a hurry to take down our Christmas tree, lights, and beautiful decorations?  We know that while all of the decorations are being put up, the excitement and anticipation of the giving season to come gives us so much joy!  Do we really remember the reason for that joy?  The birth of Jesus!  I love to bask in the glow of my decorations for as long as possible.  There is just something about the lights that puts that joy in my soul!  I am a firm believer in keeping the spirit of Christmas alive until the Feast of the Three Kings.

I will admit that the cleanliness of all of the decorations being stored again for another year also brings with it a different feeling of joy.  The clean feeling that we experience with the birth of our Lord!  I guess there is something to be said for that as well.  Do you feel the need to clean your soul?

God bless,

Thursday, December 27, 2012

New Beginnings

New beginnings!  Many of us know that our lives go through stages.  Some are more easily adapted to than others.  My newest beginning was our move to Florida this year.  Leaving behind all family and friends has been difficult to say the least!

During our move, we left behind two of our adult children, both of my boys!  My girls both have made the move with us and we are all adjusting to the new home!  I had worked so hard on our home in Illinois to make it a warm & cozy place that everyone wanted to be in and then we moved into a home that was sold "as is."  Can I say that we've had our work cut out for us!

However, throughout the entire process, I constantly remind myself that I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.  Phillippians 4:13. Buying a house as is means that there is so much work to be done in order for me to feel as though our home is once again the warm & cozy place that I had created in our previous home of 16 years.  Working part-time, taking care of 4 dogs (yes, I am that woman who rescues dogs), and keeping up with our daughter's schedules will not give me the luxury of pulling it together as quickly as I would like to, but since I'm a thriftier at wasn't going to happen all that quickly to begin with.  

Come with me as I transform our new Florida home into a place that I feel I can truly call home.

God bless,